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Meet Hank & Wim Blemler

Hank and Wem Blemler, NICU Patients
Hank and Wem Blemler, NICU Patients
Hank and Wem Blemler, NICU Patients

I had been a nurse here in the NICU for eight years when my twin boys, Hank and Wim, were born early at 32 weeks, 6 days gestation on January 15, 2015. It was comforting to know my boys would be cared for by my work family, but at the same time, it was extremely strange to be on the other side.

They both had a very uneventful stay after initially needing CPAP, until Hank was diagnosed with necrotizing enterocolitis. This kept Hank in the hospital 15 days longer than his brother. 

After all was said and done, Wim came home in three weeks and Hank in five weeks. Today they are happy, healthy and (very) active seven-year-olds. 

Hank & Wilm Blemler, former NICU Patients
Hank & Wilm Blemler, former NICU Patients

Meet Our NICU Alumni

This is a special project that documents our NICU alumni. We are so grateful to watch these amazing young patients grow into their lives, despite a challenging start.